[PSA-24] Poster Presentation Schedule and Instructions
작성일 24-10-08 17:29
Dear Poster Presenters,
- Odd-numbered posters: by the morning of Nov. 19, 2024 (Tue)
- Even-numbered posters: by the morning of Nov. 20, 2024 (Wed)
All posters should be removed immediately after your poster session concludes. If not removed by the following morning, remaining posters will be collected at 9:00 AM, and we cannot be responsible for any left behind. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
● Poster Presentation & Judging Schedule:
- Odd-numbered posters: 17:30–19:20, Nov. 19 (Tue)
- Even-numbered posters: 15:30–18:20, Nov. 20 (Wed)
Please be present during these times for the poster evaluation.
● Poster Display Location:
- Sydney Room, 2nd floor, Paradise Hotel, Busan
● Poster Size:
- Maximum dimensions: 90 cm (width) x 120 cm (height)
For further details, please refer to the attached Poster Guidelines. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to your participation in PSA-24.
Best regards,
Hyo Eun Kim
PSA-24 Secretariat
[Poster Presentation Guidelines]
(1) Mounting of the Posters
Size of the poster is 90 cm (in width) x 120 cm (in height).
Odd number posters should be mounted on the poster panels by the morning of Nov. 19, 2024 (Tue)
Even number posters should be mounted on the poster panels by the morning of Nov. 20, 2024 (Wed)
All posters should be removed immediately after your poster session concludes. If not removed by the following morning, we will collect all remaining posters at 9:00 AM and cannot be responsible for any posters left behind. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
The presenters, corresponding to odd or even poster numbers, should attend their own posters and perform poster discussion during the One Minute Poster Speech 1 (Tue) or One Minute Poster Speech 2 (Wed), respectively.
At the end of the poster presentation time, all scientific participants are requested to vote a poster number for the best poster presentation, the Powell Prize. The Powell Prize winner will be introduced and honored at the Banquet site.
(2) One Minute Poster Speech
Odd number posters (One Minute Poster Speech 1): 17:30-19:20, Nov. 19, 2024 (Tue)
Even number posters (One Minute Poster Speech 2): 15:30-18:20, Nov. 20, 2024 (Wed)
- Speech time is one minute per poster, including the time to transition to the next speaker.
- The next several speakers should wait for their turn in line near the present speaker.
- Guideline for the One Minute Poster Speech file:
▶Poster speech files should be saved as a one-page PowerPoint file without animation.
▶It can be sent to the secretary of KoSSA (kossa@surfaecanalysis.kr) by e-mail.
▶It can be also directly delivered to the registration desk by the morning of Nov. 19 or 20, 2024 for the Poster Speech 1 and Poster Speech 2, respectively.
▶The file name is recommended to be “P-XXX-presenter-name.ppt”. XXX is the assigned poster number. The presenter-name should be abbreviated, for instance, as JSBae for Jong Seong Bae. The example of the file name is “P-099-JSBae.ppt”.
Poster Presentatnio list_Final.pdf (66.3K)
82회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-11-05 18:06:48