The PC projection will be available in the session halls equipped with a PC projector.
You can bring your own laptop computer and connect it to the system during a break time prior to the session
featuring your presentation. Please bring the copy of your file for the presentation saved in a USB
memory stick in anticipation of any possible trouble with your PC.
The presenters should keep the allotted time for the presentation including 5 minutes discussion.
Plenary lectures: 45 minutes presentation time including 5 minutes discussion.
Invited talks: 30 minutes presentation time including 5 minutes discussion.
Contributed talks: 20 minutes presentation time including 5 minutes discussion.
Korea-Japan special session: 15 minutes presentation time including 5 minutes discussion.
(1) Mounting of the Posters
Size of the poster is 90 cm (in width) x 120 cm (in height).
Odd number posters should be mounted on the poster panels by the morning of Nov. 19, 2024 (Tue)
Even number posters should be mounted on the poster panels by the morning of Nov. 20, 2024 (Thu)
All posters should be removed immediately after your poster session concludes. If not removed by the following morning, we will collect all remaining posters at 9:00 AM and cannot be responsible for any posters left behind. We appreciate your understandig and cooperation.
The presenters, corresponding to odd or even poster numbers, should attend their own
posters and perform poster discussion during the One Minute Poster Speech 1 (Tue) or One Minute Poster Speech 2
(Wed), respectively.
At the end of the poster presentation time, all scientific participants are requested to vote a poster number
for the best poster presentation, the Powell Prize. The Powell Prize winner will be introduced and honored at the
Banquet site.